Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Calgon.....take me away......

My daughter is 10 years old....and I want scream. She is having her BFFL staying over and she pitches a fit because I am using my lap top and she wants to use it so they can play a game online.  I told her that I am waiting on an email and it is my lap top so she could wait until I am done. She mouths off and I can just feel my temperature rising. How could her BFFL want to hang around her when she is being a little brat!!!!????? I feel bad for her because her she is sleeping over and my daughter is acting like this. AUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

My husband found out tonight that he will be leaving for school on January 17th. He'll be gone for 6-8 weeks, which will be interesting because I will need to figure out what to do with my kids from the time they get out of school around 3:45 til I get off at 5:00.  I know my sister will help out when she can and I am hoping my mom will be able to come and help out. That all depends on the weather too. When he was deployed for months at a time it really wasn't an issue because I worked at home. 

I am so ready for the holidays to be over.  I am tired of seeing cookies and all the other yummy goodness around.  I have never had strong will power and it is so hard.  Between all of that, letting my daughter stress me out, and knowing my husband will be leaving in less than a month I am not feeling the best. I want to sleep and not have to do anything but just sleep and write and read. I would like a dark room, a lamp, my laptop, my books, and a bed.  Sounds depressing huh???? 

I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen........wish me luck!!!!!

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