Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Journey

Five weeks ago today I had my lapband surgery. People have said "you don't look like you need it", "you can do it without surgery", etc. Truthfully...yes, I did need it and obviously I couldn't do it without surgery. I remember being weighed in middle school for something and the scale said 150 lbs! That was larger than any of my friends. And throughout the years I've just gotten heavier and heavier....two kids later, here I am.

Today I got my first fill. I'm having to play it safe with the eating. Today is liquids, tomorrow protein shakes, and the next day mushy food. Not much fun, but so worth it. My goal is to see that scale back down to 150. :)


  1. What? You had surgery? I did not know that. I hope that everything works out! So do you always have the band or do they take it out at some point? WOW~ it must be hard doing the "fill". Don not know what it is but it does not sound fun!I just created an account. So I will add your blog to I can see how you are doing!

  2. Yep, I had it done July 13th....and I don't regret it. As of this morning I've lost a little over 25 5 weeks. The fill wasn't hard. The needle is LONG, but they don't put it all the way in. The Dr had me lay down and then said to come up like I'm going to do a sit up or crunch and I started laughing saying "If I could do one of those I wouldn't be here!" LOL!!!! Anyway...the fill is saline added to the band to make the opening smaller.


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