Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bloggity blog

I am watching the "People's Choice Awards" and am looking at Queen Latifah....and I know I've thought this before and I just keep saying it in my head....She is a beautiful woman!!!! I seriously wish I looked like her. She doesn't look "fat"....and I've read she's happy with her weight.

So anyway, the weather here is snowy...cold....snowy....windy....snowy....cold. Do you get the picture?? My DH wished for a white Christmas...well, there has been snow on the ground since then. My kids just went back to school from their winter break on Tuesday and they have cancelled school for tomorrow, so they are home again. Atleast with my husband not being able to work I don't have to pay for a sitter! LOL!!! He's getting ready to leave for a couple of months and I am trying to figure out how to get the kids taken care of on days that they do not have school. I'm hoping my mom will be able to come visit. :\

Yesterday my DH made BLTs. Now back in the day...before my surgery I could eat two with no problem. Well, I got that first one done and knew I couldn't eat another one, but didn't want to waste the bacon. I ate like two bites and looked at him and with sad eyes (cuz I wanted that other one) I asked "Would you please eat that sandwich so it won't go to waste?" LOL!!!!! I had to walk away because I wanted it but knew I would just be in the bathroom leaning over the toilet wishing it would just fall out of my stomach with no work from me. Ugh!!!!!

Well, I am going to sign off for the night. I want to get some recipes writeen down before I go to bed. It's what I do when I want to go to the kitchen and eat....I dream about eating the delicious food I write down.  Have a good night and stay warm.

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